Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Intrusive USB Remounting

To set the stage: my iPod was plugged into my Windows XP computer and charging, and I was listening to some music from the iPod. I then plugged in my cellphone to another USB port on the computer to charge it, which shouldn't affect the iPod at all. However, Windows decided to remount the iPod, which then locked up the iPod user interface and stopped my music. I had to go eject the iPod from iTunes in order to listen to my music again.

There is no good reason for Windows to remount my iPod when I plug in something else to another USB port. I know this isn't a big deal, and it only took a few seconds to fix the problem, but now that I've gotten used to OS X, I expect seamless, unobtrusive behavior from my computer. Windows is just plain clumsy.

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